Saturday, May 4, 2013

Why did Heroku stop precompiling my assets?

I come into work today to this error:

ActionView::Template::Error ('twitter/bootstrap/bootstrap.less' wasn't found.

Odd...It works in development. What could have happened?

The search

I ran the application locally with the development environment and got the same error. Great, at least it's reproducible. Let's hit the Googles...

Hmm, some mentions in twitter-bootstrap-rails and some scattered StackOverflow questions, but nothing that works. Then I noticed Heroku was no longer precompiling the assets on deploy.

The discovery

The Heroku docs have this glorious quote:

The most common cause of failures in assets:precompile is an app that relies on having its environment present to boot. Your app's config vars are not present in the environment during slug compilation, so you should take steps to handle the nil case for config vars (and add-on resources) in your initializers.

A recent change added some configuration variables in application.rb that referenced some environment variables.

The fix

Based on some more documentation and community help, I moved the configuration into an initializer that is loaded after the slug compilation when it can access the environment variables.

Deploy. Working. #winning.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Using ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone without Rails

My fast spec test suite does not load Rails (otherwise it's not so fast, right?), but I want to use the niceness of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone to create a DateRange class like so:

class DateRange
  class DateRangeError < StandardError; end

  def initialize(range)
    @range = range

  def start_date

  def end_date


  attr_reader :range

  def raise_if_not_utc
    if != 'UTC' || != 'UTC'
      raise'The date ranges must be in UTC.')

The corresponding tests didn't like - they thought it was nil. Which it is.

The Fix

The tests need the proper ActiveSupport module loaded, and the time zone needs to be set.

require 'active_support/core_ext' = 'UTC'

Now the time zone is set and the tests will work as expected.

let(:range) { }

describe '#start_date' do
  it 'gets the beginning of the day for the earliest date in the range' do
    expect(range.start_date.to_i).to eq('1999-12-31 00:00:00').to_i)

  it 'is in UTC' do
    expect( eq('UTC')

Thursday, April 11, 2013

RSpec won't clear the database between test runs

A quick one that can save a major headache. It seems that RSpec won't clear the database of a record that is defined outside of a let statement, a begin block, or an it block.

describe '#some_method' do
  record = FactoryGirl.create(:my_record)

  it 'does something' do
    # ...

In this case, record will not get cleared out between test runs. It's noticeable when checking that a query only returns certain records because it could include an extra one that's unexpected.

The solution is to either declare the record in a let statement, a begin block, or an it block.

Headache gone.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

MySQL installation woes on Mountain Lion

After doing a fresh installation with Mountain Lion, I've had a hell of a time properly install MySQL. I've had to use a few sources to figure this one out, and here are the steps I needed to take.

I'm not 100% sure that these steps are needed, but they couldn't hurt

  1. sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local
  2. brew update

Some background.

  1. brew install mysql
  2. sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --tmpdir=/tmp --basedir=/usr/local
  3. mysql.server start

Now test with

mysql -uroot

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Eventual Consistency In UI Design

A recent article from Los Techies resonated with something I also did recently at work, and it's nice to see others come up with similar ideas independently. Hopefully that means they're good ideas.

"Eventual consistency in interaction design" presents the idea of giving the user immediate feedback for an action that is not immediate. It combines a synchronous call (a message to a user after he interacts with a page) with an asynchronous one (processing the results of that action in a background task). The benefits are obvious: the user gets immediate feedback that something happened, and he knows that, while it may not have happened right away, he's not stuck in spinner hell, waiting for some sort of response.

When a user does certain actions on our site, we create an activity to put it in a feed to either display or to send it off to a third party. We create the activity immediately and put it in a job queue to do whatever functionality it requires later. The job queue is fast, but it can take a minute or so before it processes the new activity.

That's a minute the user shouldn't need to wait for.

So when we schedule the job, we also save the related data, the data we're sending off to a third party site, so the user sees the results immediately. To him, his action happened in real time and he never notices the difference.

One obvious question is what if the user tries to do something on our site with the data that is supposedly linked to another site because he assumes they've been synchronized? Since everything that goes to the other site is done asynchronously, his other actions just get added to the job queue after the first action. If he goes to the other site, the job is generally fast enough that it will have processed the original activity (again, since most jobs run in under a minute). If it becomes a problem where users are getting to the other site too quickly, we'll be able to come up with language more akin to "we're processing your request." But this current implementation provides a nice solution for now.

Like the article mentions, "If you have users that have to wait to have the view model updated to see their results, you have built the wrong user interface." In our case, the user does not have to wait for an update, even if that update hasn't happened yet.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Squashing bugs with Git

We found a bug at work where a css style changed, but it wasn't immediately obvious where it had been introduced. To fix this bug, I went back through the git history and checked out one in the recent past to see if the bug had been introduced there. This only took a few tries, and then I worked back toward the present to find when the styling had been modified.

I found the offending commit by checking out the sass file of that particular commit:

git checkout {commit_number} path/to/stylesheet.sass

Now I've got the most recent code plus the file that fixes the problem. To see what had been changed, I did a diff on the two files: the older one without the bug and the next one with the bug:

git diff {older_commit} {newer_commit} path/to/stylesheet.sass

There are a lot of changes, so I looked for anything that would be obvious (margins in this case). After that, it was modifying the styling to fix the bug and done.

Git plays nice.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rails controller tests without Rails

In our continued path to faster tests, we've tried doing controller tests without loading Rails and using only what's minimally required to fully test the functionality. the idea is that not only will the tests be faster, but they will drive the controller's design to be thinner.

How did it work out? First the background.

We implemented a controller that received an OAuth callback from another site to allow their users to directly login to Crowdcast. The required code was minimal, so we tried to test minimally as well.

Since we're not loading Rails, we need to manually load some required libraries for the controller. We need enough to load the controller and its dependencies (in this case, a url generator class and the controller itself) successfully.

require 'uri'
require 'active_support'
require 'fast_spec/spec_helper'
require 'lib/crowdcast/url_generator'
require 'app/controllers/oauth_controller'

We also need to stub out calls to models, both ActiveRecord and plain old Ruby objects the controller uses. Here is where we realize how many of these we need and use the pain of stubbing yet another class to drive the design to remove that dependency.

stub_class 'UserSession'
stub_active_record_model 'Site'
stub_active_record_model 'SalesforceConnection'

Some are necessary, such as those for Authlogic and the relevant AR classes we're calling, but we were able to move calls to others out of the controller to make the tests easier to write and the code easier to read and maintain. All the usual good stuff we get from TDD and OOP.

Here's an example:

describe OauthController do
  let(:controller) { }

  describe "#callback" do
    let(:user_attributes) {{ :email => "email" }}
    let(:user) { stub("user", :single_access_token => "foo") }
    let(:site) { stub("site") }
    let(:redirect_to_url) { "" }
    let(:state) { CGI.escape({:url => redirect_to_url, :subdomain => "foo" }.to_json) }

  before do
    controller.stub(:params) {{ :code => "foo", :state => state }}
    controller.stub(:current_user) { user }
    controller.stub(:session) {{ :return_to => "/return_path" }}
    Crowdcast::Config.stub(:salesforce) {{ :id => "bar" }}

    Salesforce::UserResolver.stub(:user_attributes_by_auth_code).with({ :id => "bar" }, "foo").and_return(user_attributes)

  it "creates a SalesforceConnection connection" do
    SalesforceConnection.should_receive(:connect).once.with(user, user_attributes)

  it "redirects to the return_to path with user's single access token" do
    controller.should_receive(:redirect_to).with(redirect_to_url + "&token=foo")

You can see that we need a fair amount of initial setup to get both the regular methods all controllers access and the specific ones we want to test or stub in the specific tests. It's still feels reasonable considering that we lose the Rails loading overhead and tests are incredibly fast.

Here is the controller:

def callback
  if params[:code]
    cc_user = connect_user_to_salesforce
    redirect_to Crowdcast::UrlGenerator.url(:url => return_to_url_from_callback, :params => { :token => cc_user.single_access_token })
    flash[:error] = params[:error_description] if params[:error_description]
    redirect_to return_to_url_from_callback


def connect_user_to_salesforce

def existing_or_autoregistered_user
  current_user || Salesforce::UserAutoRegistrar.register(current_site)

def return_to_url_from_callback

def state_from_callback

And now a problem.

We want to add some more Rails controller goodness in case there are exceptions (they're always where you least expect them). Check this out.

rescue_from Salesforce::UserResolver::UnsupportedAccountTypeError, :with => :account_error
rescue_from Salesforce::TokenResolver::AuthCodeExpiredError, :with => :expired_auth_code

def account_error
  render :status => :precondition_failed, :action => "account_error", :layout => "not_found"

Now we need to figure out how to get rescue_from or have more stubbing on the controller class. Before, when our controller was very lightweight, we could deal with the minimal amount of manual dependencies to get the speed increases. But at this point we decided to convert the controller to our "slow specs" folder, ie, our regular /spec folder, since the pain of managing the external dependencies reached a threshold we weren't willing to cross.

How did we decide this was the time? It wasn't anything specific but the overall feel of the code getting too complicated and stub-happy; we weren't getting pain from bad design but from using a framework.


Testing without Rails is still new, and we're still learning what works and what doesn't. Should we automatically test functionality that's coupled to the framework within the framework? I still say no, that we can get out of the framework if we use only a minimal subset that we can maintain manually. We decided to return to loading Rails when that subset was no longer minimal. That situation did not come up for some time, and it isn't a foregone conclusion that it always will. It's a developer's decision on the tradeoffs. Plus it was a great learning experience.