Saturday, August 27, 2011

Emailing with Delayed Job

We used Delayed Job to queue emails sent out to users, both to offload that blocking process and for scheduling. It has worked well so far, but recently there were some strange bugs popping up. Some emails were stuck in the queue, and the error message was about bad YAML syntax.

Delayed Job serialized objects in its handler field, and, with some user input that's not encoded properly, created incorrect YAML. For example, this could happen:
id: 1
  foo: 'here is some 'text'
  bar: 'something else'
Notice the odd number of single quotes in foo? Yeah, that's bad. Since we already had that kind of data saved, we needed another way to fix this.

Instead of having methods in the notifier.rb file like so:
def forgot_password(user)
We did it like this:
def forgot_password(user_id)
  user = User.find(user_id)
Delayed Job serialized just the user id and not the entire user object, so any potentially harmful data wasn't saved. This was more expensive since the objects had to get instantiated again, but sending out email wasn't expensive for our app, so this solution worked well.

If you ever get strange YAML syntax errors from delayed job, perhaps this method will work for you.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Attaching Events to a Disabled Submit Button

There was a form that had a few required fields, and I wanted to show a message when the user hovered over the submit button when not every field was completed. The problem was that the submit button was disabled until the fields are filled in, and I couldn't attach an event to a disabled form element.

One solution is to add an invisible element over the button.
var $disabledSubmit = $('#submit_wrapper input:disabled');
var $disabledSubmitParent = $('#submit_wrapper');
var $overlay = $('<div />');
  position: 'absolute',
  top: $disabledSubmit.position().top,
  left: $disabledSubmit.position().left,
  width: $disabledSubmit.outerWidth(),
  height: $disabledSubmit.outerHeight(),
  zIndex: 10,
  opacity: 0
This created an overlay over the button that handled the hiding and showing (submitHoverOver()/submitHoverOut()) of the message.

When the form was ready to submit and the button was enabled, we needed to do two things. The first was to lower the z-index of the overlay so the user can access the button.
$overlay.css('z-index', -1);
The second was to unbind the events on the overlay so we didn't continue to show the message.
If the user changed the data to be in a bad state, we disabled the submit button. We also needed to reattach the events and crank up the z-index of the overlay.
$overlay.css('z-index', 10);
Now, instead of putting up an error message or more text about required fields, the user would be directed to finish the form if he hadn't done so when he tried to submit.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

My name is Danny...and I make mistakes.

Yes, it's true. Here's what I did, and here's the reaction.

At work a few weeks ago, I was going through some callback code that sets some meta data on a model's associations. I noticed that a related flag wasn't getting set as well, that it was only set in one other specific instance with the meta data. Hmm...let's fix that, shall we? Flag added, moving on.

Star wipe to this week.

We found a bug when displaying historical data, and I quickly realized that the display was wrong because it was skipping over objects it shouldn't, objects that were flagged when they shouldn't be. Cue pants pooping.

There was a fix, and I would just need to run a script that would update the flag for all the associated models affected after the callback happens and ignore the other ones because those were the ones that explicitly have the flag set at the other, correct, time. But should I tell anyone or do I just run the script and say that I fixed the display bug? Well, WWJD (what would Jack Nicholson do)? He'd tell everyone, damn it, because he's like that. Keeping it real. Not like Chuck Norris.

Anyway, I sent out an email admitting what happened, and I included a high-level explanation of what happened along with a technical one. I explained that there is a fix and we won't lose any data, and that it would fix the current display bug but that we need to do some tests to make sure it didn't affect any other parts of the application.

My manager's response? "Hey, man, shit happens. Glad you fixed it." That's why I like working here.