Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Metal Archives' JSON Results Parsing

Some further explanation of how to get Metal Archives' JSON data from a recent post is necessary. Through reading the markup and trial-and-error, I found the URL to receive the data I needed. Here it is: \
/?&releaseYearFrom=2011&releaseMonthFrom=1&releaseYearTo=2011 \
&releaseMonthTo=12&_=1&sEcho=0&iColumns=4&sColumns=&iDisplayStart=1& \

This returns a result set that looks like this:

 "error": "",
 "iTotalRecords": 3637,
 "iTotalDisplayRecords": 3637,
 "sEcho": 0,
 "aaData": [
    "<a href=\"\" title=\"037 (ES)\">037</a>",
    "<a href=\"\">Los Fuertes Sobreviven</a>",
    "May 24th, 2011 <!-- 2011-05-24 -->"  
    "<a href=\"\" title=\"037 (ES)\">037</a>",
    "<a href=\"\">Tantas Vidas</a>",
    "May 6th, 2011 <!-- 2011-05-06 -->"  

You'll notice the iTotalRecords field which conveniently provides the total amount to releases available. You'll also notice the the iDisplayStart parameter in the URL that lets us step through the results 100 at a time. By looping through (iTotalRecords / 100 + 1) times, incrementing iDispalyStart by i * 100, we can get a result set for all the records very quickly.

Now that we have the results, we just need a little regular expression magic to pull out all the information.

BAND_NAME_AND_COUNTRY_REGEXP = /(.+)\s{1}\(([a-zA-Z]{2})\)/
ALBUM_URL_AND_NAME_REGEXP = /"(.+)">(.+)<\/a>/
RELEASE_DATE_REGEXP = /<!--\s(.{10})\s-->/

There was a strange situation where an album didn't have a band page but displayed a message that the band didn't exist, so there is one last regular expression used to guard against a slightly alternative format for the data:

NO_BAND_REGEXP = /span.+<\/span/

The data are much easier to gather and never time-out now, so I was able to get rid of all the intermediate saving steps such as after gathering the paginated links and saving the last release searched when the site times-out. I'll probably have to add it back in to get the record label of the release since you'll notice it's absent in the JSON but it is available on the release's page.

The code to save the albums now looks like this:

agent =
agent.paginated_albums.each_with_index do |album_page, index|
  album_page.each do |album|
    if album[0].match(::MetalArchives::Agent::NO_BAND_REGEXP).nil?
        :name => agent.album_name(album),
        :band => agent.band_name(album),
        :format => agent.release_type(album),
        :url => agent.album_url(album),
        :country =>,
        :us_date => agent.release_date(album)

Quick and simple.

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